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Is aluminum foil recyclable?

Yes, aluminum foil can be recycled! Every community’s recycling program is unique so be sure to check your community’s recycling guidelines.

What is the difference between the shiny and dull sides?

This is a common question and the answer is that foil is “milled” in layers during production. Milling is a process whereby heat and tension is applied to stretch the foil to the desired thickness. We mill two layers in contact with each other at the same time. Where the foil is in contact with another layer, that’s the “dull” side. The “shiny” side is the side milled without being in contact with another sheet of metal. The performance of the foil is the same whichever side you use.

What is ALCAN® Non-Stick Baking Foil?

ALCAN® Non-Stick Baking Foil is a high quality aluminum foil with a non-stick coating. It’s ideal for cooking that involves sticky or hard-to-remove foods under direct heat conditions. It is food safe and certified by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

How can I tell which side of the non-stick foil to use?

The non-stick side is the side with the dull or flat finish.

Do you need to grease or use non-stick cooking spray?

No, ALCAN® Non-Stick Baking Foil will resist sticking to your favourite recipes and it can be used in all of your cooking, covering or freezing situations without the need for grease or spray.

Can ALCAN® Non-Stick Baking Foil be used to freeze?

Yes, ALCAN® Non-Stick Baking Foil can take the low temperatures of the freezer.


Reynolds Consumer Products Canada Inc. promotes business practices and policies that show respect for the value of all human beings. It requires that its suppliers do so as well. All Reynolds Consumer Products Canada and supplier locations shall provide a safe working environment to all employees, which includes proper training, appropriate equipment to safely perform the job and a clean environment where safe behaviour is emphasized.

All Reynolds Canada and supplier locations shall also maintain conditions of employment where all workers are free to choose employment, where there is no forced, bonded or involuntary labour, and where there is no use of child labour. There shall be no discrimination in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on age, gender, race, colour, caste, national origin, disability, religion or veteran status.

Regardless of culture, community or country, Reynolds will not use any supplier that is involved in or associated with human trafficking, bonded labour, involuntary servitude, use of child labour or sexual slavery. Reynolds maintains a diligent supplier control program specifically evaluating its suppliers and validating their compliance with these standards. In the event any supplier audit finds evidence that the supplier is in violation of Reynolds Social Accountability and Ethical Treatment Policy, the supplier relationship will be terminated or suspended until such time as the supplier comes into full compliance.